Balancing Act
The pieces fall together
like a crumbling house of cards.
You once sought solace in the structure.
It looked perfect. As if it could possibly stand forever.
You cast away your doubts
on the natural order of things.
Yet just as wishful thinking always does,
eventually nature took over.
And it fell.
You thought that it all was over
That it couldn't possibly get any worse -- in that moment, when the first card slipped.
But in reality you were dismissing the inevitable.
And as each face hits the table,
each patterned back wafting, sliding to a stop,
the pieces lie flat.
They form a nice thin stack as your palms brush the surface.
A frolicked ploy
to grasp on to the notion of safety
of sameness.
of unchange.
But in a breath you realize
That the cards have formed:
A nice thin stack.
We're at rest now.
Though the brain may have tricked us into believing
that things were falling apart,
In our reaction,
our growth,
our learning; What we thought was destruction brought us equilibrium. The stack is now at peace. The house of cards was just a balancing act.